Webinar: "The Death of the Doorkeeper"
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Teresina Chin
Teresina Chin was born on February 11 to Bishop John T. and

Bill Ellis
William Anthony Ellis Jr. (Bill Ellis) was
born May 30, 1977 in San

Sister Athalia Harrell

Beverly Frazier
Brief Biographical Sketch
Rev. Dr. Beverly D. Frazier, PhD is a

Linda Howze
Dr. Linder Howze is a native of Cleveland, Mississippi. She started

Lady Jacquelyn Shaw Pendleton
Sister Jacquelyn Shaw Pendleton has been a member of the Grace Apostolic

Stewart Reese, III
Pastor Stewart Reese, III
Pastor Stewart Reese, III was born the first child
Returning to the church building will be DIFFERENT.
WILL you be ready?
- Will Masks be distributed?
- Will Sanitizing Stations be in the lobby?
- Will Hand Wipes be available?
- Will Temperatures be taken?
- Will there be a Screening Questionnaire Form? Online? In person?
- Will Pews and Doors be Sanitized?
- Will Bathrooms be Sanitized during the service?
- Will Ushers Escort members to their seats?
- Will Rubber Gloves be worn?
- Will There be Shaking of Hands?
- Will There be Hugging?
- Will There be Loitering in the Lobby or Foyer Areas of your churches?
- Will Every other Row be closed?
- Will Members and Guests be seated at least 6 feet apart from each other?
- Will People sit in a Staggered Fashion?
- Will you Consider Repositioning your Musician’s Pit?
- Will you Consider Repositioning your Pulpit Seating?
- Will you Determine how your Members and Guests will exit the building when service is over?
CDC: Considerations for Communities of Faith
Updated February 19, 2021